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How to organise a high-level political conference - the Salzburg Forum
Interpretation in more than 10 languages
of Central Europe.
languages of Central Europe
The Salzburg Forum is one of the most important informal international initiatives in Home Affairs for Poland. The member states of the Salzburg Forum include Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia
and Slovenia. At this periodic event we provide interpretation
in 12 language pairs for 350 participants.
In terms of conference technology, this is more of a routine event for Invenire's conference interpreting department,
yet its uniqueness comes from our ability to offer a team
of excellent conference interpreters in several Central European languages. These languages are less commonly used at conference events, where often only the more popular languages
on the international arena are provided, such as English.
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about our conference services? Contact us for more information or a free quote.
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